Friday, June 1, 2018

Day 20-21: Sealing the Interior and Exterior Plus Some Electric

Day 20 came after a long break of traveling and a bit of TD burnout. We got some spar varnish in high gloss and I did three coats on the exterior paint with a light sand in between coats with 220 grit sandpaper. Since it's so hot, the coats dried relatively quick with added airflow from a box fan.

Time spent Day 20: 3 hours
Total time spent: 80 hours

Day 21 we installed the interior reading lights and connected them by soldering the wires and covering it with heat shrink tube and then wrapping in tight in electrical tape.

Our friend, Fallon helped me install the interior trim door rings so we can get the mattress in there before putting on the outside portion of the doors. After the door trim ring was on, I sealed everything inside with the Low VOC sealant that I mentioned in an earlier post. It helps harden the wood and pops the grain. We're happy with how that is looking.

 We ordered a custom spring mattress made in the USA by a company called LoveMyMattress. Their customer service was excellent and we ended up order a 44" x 75" mattress that should fit perfectly inside of the TD.

Time spent Day 21: 3 hours
Total time spent: 83 hours

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Day 36: Finishing Touches II

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